The 17-Word Solution

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The Solution —

For All Job Seekers

Dear Job Seeker,

What an employer wants most is people who already have training and experience. There was a day that was true. But no more. Today an employer's top priority is ethics! Ethics are the rules of right and wrong.

Your ethics are the key to getting what you want out of life.

Studies continue showing that unethical behavior and illegal misconduct are the employer's greatest concern in the workplace.

From protection of personal and intellectual property, to job performance and compliance that rely upon honesty and trustworthiness, to proper treatment of co-workers and customers, the concern keeps growing.

Throughout the workplace, the teamwork that is vital for productivity and the bottom line becomes impossible when people cannot trust one another. Ethics creates trust.

When your ethics are impressive you will have a tremendous advantage over your competition. Your ethics are the key to getting what you want out of life. And in a job!

The solution is the same for all opportunities

A group of prespective employees

When the interviewer, or manager, sees that you know how to practice good ethical judgment, it will improve your chances of finding a new job, a better job, a promotion or improved position where you already have a job.

The solution is the same  for all opportunities!

Ethics makes you stand out as someone special! You are a cut above the rest. You are a quality person!

With ethics, you are not part of the problem—you are the solution!

We offer one of the most effective and unique ways for you to show that you know how to practice good ethical judgment. It's called Ethics Solutions® and is based on Two Laws that can be expressed in just 17 Words.

The Two Laws that work

ES Handbook

Available only from Ethics Solutions®, this concise, revealing handbook helps you explore the fascinating but forgotten world of ethics. Contents

Ethics Solutions has condensed six years of ethics instruction, once taught in public schools, into two hours easy-reading in a single handbook: The 17-Word Solution.™

The Two Laws, stated in just 17 Words, create an environment of ethical behavior that, in the simplest of terms, works!

When the Two Laws are embedded throughout the workplace, they build trust and a reputation that fortifies a company's path to success.

As one who demonstrates good ethical judgment, you become a valued part of that.

The Two Laws are bedrock ethics from the Venerable Law on which America was founded. They support and reinforce a company's expectations of employee relations—companies that can and will recognize you as a highly respected and valued employee.

The Two Laws are:

Do all you have agreed to do and,
do not encroach on other persons or their property.

Your Ethics Solutions Certificate

Ready for a job change? Get what you want. Present your Ethics Solutions Certificate.

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After studying the handbook, you will take an online assessment that can be completed in 15 to 20 minutes, and with a passing score of 70%, receive your Ethics Solutions Certificate of Completion.

The Certificate is available for your immediate download and printing and is also emailed to you.

ES Certification entitles you to be recognized as Ethics Solutions Certified on your business cards, letterhead and resume. A score of 90% and above entitles you to be recognized as Certified Top Rated.

Use ES Certification to get a good job, a better job, or promotion

Approach an interview always thinking not about what you want, but about what the employer wants.

Your Ethics Solutions Certificate demonstrates you have good ethical judgment and will be the person an employer or manager is looking for. You are seeing the job through the employer's eyes.

Ethics will be your edge over the competition.

Your ethics training tells the interviewer you will always strive to do what you agree to do when you accept the job or new position.

Take control of the interview and make it about ethics. Discuss with the interviewer what you have learned from The 17-Word Solution. How ethics, as taught by the Two Laws, the 17 Words, is a system and not just a set of rules, and why you know you will be a valued asset to the organization.

Ethics will be your edge over the competition.

Inexpensive! Act now to get 50% off!

The price? Normally it's $99.00, but if you take advantage of this special limited time introductory offer, it's half-off$49.50!

Know what to do when the two laws are broken

Know what to do when The Two Laws are broken! Order Now!

Order your Ethics Solutions training kit TODAY and receive 50% off!
The kit includes computerized baseline Assessment, the Handbook, two follow-up assessments and, most importantly, with a passing score, the ES Certificate of Completion.

Button for Order Now with link to order page

Or, please call one of our friendly customer service reprentatives and be sure and mention
ES Offer 312 to receive 50% off!
877-226-1263 or 602-445-2737
7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Arizona Time, Mon-Fri.

Best Regards,

Signature Richard J. Maybury

Richard J. Maybury

Creator and founder of Ethics Solutions

Ethics is the new national crisis.
Spread the word that you have made yourself into one of the solutions.

Copyright ©2025 Ethics Solutions® | P.O. Box 84900, Phoenix, AZ 85071 | 877-226-1263 | A Proud U.S. Company